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[[image - Cecil Session]]

[[2 uncaptioned images]]


A Divison Sales Manager for the world's largest manufacturer of cosmetics, toiletries and costume jewelry carries quite a load of responsibility.  But for Cecil Session it isn't a problem.  She manages 19 District Managers, assists 3,000 Avon Representatives and is responsible for over $6 million in sales with cool efficiency.

Her father named her Cecil.  (He gave all his children boy's names.)  But don't let that fool you.  She's quite a woman.  She spends about 70% of her work time traveling, because her Division covers San Francisco, Oakland and Pasadena.  But she still finds time to manage a home and take good care of her husband, Curtis, and her daughter, Jeanette.

Ms. Session began her career in 1972 in Avon's manufacturing laboratory.  From there, she became a District Manager, then a Management Associate and, in August 1975, a Division Manager.

Avon, especially, offers the opportunity to earn money and gain prestige to women who are willing to accept the challenge.  Cecil Session finds her career in sales a super way of life.  And she enthusiastically encourages other women to give it a try.

We never looked so good.