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COME WITH US TO THE CITY OF ROSES [[the word ROSES has a rose in the place of the O]]


[[black and white photo of an African American woman]]

[[incomplete text. Continued on next page]]
Join the NAACP Yout
The NAACP Youth and College Division
any civil rights organizaion.
[[//incomplete text]]

[[underlined text]]Voting Rights [[//underlined text]]
[[bullet point]] Since 18-year-olds received the right to vote, NAACP youth, in a year round education campaign, have registered over 300,000 young voters and are still at it.

[[underlined text]] Education [[//underlined text]]

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth monitoring teams document acts of racism in the schools so that they can be more effectively handled and eliminated. 

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth, through NAACP lawyers, won the ruling that students cannot be expelled from school without a public hearing.

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth are working for a unified code of student rights.

[[underlined text]] Employment [[//underlined text

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth seek more federal funds for youth employment.

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth, in local units, constantly seek local youth employment opportunities.

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth acquaint other young people with the employment market and permanent employment needs.

[[underlined text]] Drug Abuse [[//underlined text]]

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth demand that the federal government stop drug entry into the country.

[[bullet point]] NAACP youth sponsor drug information, education and referral programs.

[[black and white photo of an African American man wearing glasses and a tuxedo]]

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