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"Where Is Your Light Shining?"
Matthew 5:16

Eulogy being given at the Memorial Services held for all deceased Ushers of NUCUAA

National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc.
July 24-29, 1978, Denver, Colorado





Founder of National United Church Ushers Association of America, Incorporated

A Christian man, small of stature but large in heart, came to Philadelphia, Pa. from Augusta, Georgia many years ago and after joining Bethel A.M.E. Church, he became a member of the Usher Board and was elected President. He worked hard in the Usher's Brotherhood with a vision of broadening the field of Ushering.

In 1917, he began, some records say even sooner, soliciting the support of the Neighboring States. On July 24, 1919 at the Varick A.M.E. Zion Church, 19th and Catherine Street in Philadelphia, Pa., the first National Convention was held. The following states were responsible for the birth of the National Body: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and District of COlumbia, with prayerful thanks to God and determination to carry on this work, Elijah Alexander Hamilton was elected president and served with satisfaction and success for one year. The frailties of his life stopped him from carrying out the vision to the fullest.

On December 8, 1924, Hamilon was called to a higher life.


The National United Church Ushers, an Interdenominational Organization of Church Ushers was organized in the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia hoping that it would be an incentive to break down the barrier of discrimination, prejudice which has seriously hampered the church in its efforts to perform its mission in the world.

(a) To create a better service and broaden the field in Christian, Social, and Moral activities as Ushers.

(b) To foster more intimate and cordial relations among States Unions.

(c) To break down interdenominational discrimination and prejudice.

(d) To unify an ushering system.

(e) To enlighten ushers in Christian Work, and practice the Golden Rule.

(f) To become a source of inspiration for doing greater things in Christendon.

We believe that the mission of the Church is to lead all mankind to Christ and that the Church Usher has a very definite part to play in the accomplishments of the Church's Mission as God's representative on earth, and as much can be accomplished through organized efforts we cannot see any just reason why all Church Ushers should not be joined together in one great organization working for the betterment of a common cause.