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[[image - drawing of man and paraphernalia]]
[[caption]] Jan Matzeliger 1852-1889 [[/caption]]

Refrigerator ..... Standard
Sled Propeller ..... Sampson
Sealing Attachment ..... Hearness
Cigarette Roller ..... Sweeting
Hunking Machine ..... Washington
Locking Switch ..... Jackson
Suiting Seat ..... [[?ckbier]]
Elevator Device ..... Cooper
Gage ..... O'Conner & Turner
Envelope Seam ..... Leslie
Casting Composite ..... Robinson
Biscuit Cutter ..... Ashbourne
Furniture Caster ..... Fisher
Rotary Engine ..... Beard
Car-coupler ..... Beard
Dough Kneader ..... Bell
Portable Scales ..... Hunter
Dough Kneader & Roller ..... Reed
Lemon Squeezer ..... White
Corn Planter ..... Blair
Cotton Planter ..... [[?]]
Ironing Board ..... [[?]]
Kneading Machine ..... [[?]]
Luggage Carrier ..... Burn
[[?inade]] ..... [[?Cher]]
[[?rap]] ..... [[?]]
[?maker's Jack]] ..... [[?]]
Shutter and Fastening ..... Cooper
Fountain Pen ..... Purvis
Pianola ..... Dickinson
Lawn Sprinkler ..... Smith
Lock ..... Martin
Fire Bucket ..... Joyce
Wagon ..... West
[[?]] Beater ..... Johnson
[[?ip]] Cup ..... McCoy
Planter ..... Murray
Steam Trap ..... Ferrell
Gas Burner ..... Jackson
Registers ..... Hilyer
Trestle ..... Clare
Casting ..... Thomas
Baling Press ..... Gray
Grain Binder ..... Smith
Spring Gun ..... Lewis
Folding Bed ..... Bailey
[[?]] ..... Little
[[?]] ..... Ross
[[?]] Machine ..... Lee
[[?]] ..... [[?Dortions]]
[[?]] ..... Jackson
[[?tainment]] ..... Johnson
[[?]] ..... Standard
[[?ive]] ..... Taylor
[[?d]] ..... Pickett
Machine [[?& Steward]] .....  Johnson
[[?ted]] ..... [[?ce]]
[[?]] ..... [[?ns]]
[[?Regulator]] ..... Cornwell
Railway Signal ..... Blackburn
Foot Power Hammer ..... Headen
Rotary Engine ..... Taylor
Air Ship ..... Pickering
Electric Railway ..... Purvis
Caps for Bottles ..... Jones & Long
Printing Press ..... Lavalette
Fire Extinguisher ..... Marshall
Photo Print Wash ..... Dorticus
Ice-Cream Mold ..... Cralle
Elevator ..... Miles
Motor ..... Gregory
Folding Cabinet Bed ..... Goode
Fertilizer Distributor ..... Murray
Lasting Machine ..... Matzeliger
Steam Dome ..... McCoy
Insect Destroyer ..... Richardson
Fire Escape Ladder ..... Winters
Swinging Chairs ..... Johnson
Clothes Drier ..... Sampson
Cultivator and Marker ..... Murray
Railroad Switch ..... Richey
Propeller for Vessel ..... Toliver
Refrigerating Apparatus ..... Elkins
Riding Saddles ..... Davis
Cotton Cultivator ..... Sutton
Steam Engine ..... Winn
Bag Fastener ..... Purvis
Hand Stamp ..... Purvis
Sash Fastener ..... [[?Lou]]
Joiner Clamp ..... Fisher

Even before the turn of the century, over 300 Black inventors had patented their ideas. Ideas that in most cases brought them no profit. And probably one of the reasons was, there just wasn't available the adequate financial support. Just think, Jan Matzeliger revolutionized the shoe industry with his shoe lasting machine, but was unable to stat his own company. General Foods can't change the past. But we can help mold the future. With North Street Capital Corporation.  ☐ North Street Capital Corporation is a company we set up to invest in and to support minority business development. So far, we've invested in over a dozen minority businesses, like a plant that makes industrial uniforms. Or the company that manufactures Early American lamps. And some businesses that started with an invention. Businesses that are now experiencing rapid growth in development and profit. Not only for us. But for the people who've seen their ideas become realities. And that's good. Because we think it's time profit goes where it rightfully belongs.


Another way to feed the community.
General Foods Corporation
An Equal Opportunity Employer

©General Foods Corporation 1976

Transcription Notes:
image - General Foods logo