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[[caption]]No. 7 of a series created by noted black artists especially for the brewers of Budweiser. For reprints write: Great Kings No. 7-B, Anheuser-Busch, Inc., St. Louis, Mo. 63118.[[/caption]]

Akhenaton-Pharoah of Egypt (1375-1358 B.C.)

Teaching a doctrine of love and peace, Akhenaton was the first ruler in recorded history to believe in the concept of the One God.

In order to diminish the influences of idol worshippers, he moved into the desert early in his reign and built a new city dedicated to religion, art and music. This new city, Akhenaton (now Tell el Amarna), with its lush gardens and magnificent buildings, became known as the City of Dreams.

He and his wife, Queen Nefertiti, one of history's most renowned beauties, changed Egyptian culture so radically that their influence was felt centuries later. At their urging, the royal sculptors and painters began to recreate life in its natural state instead of in the stiff, stylized form of early Egyptian art. Thus, he is the first Pharoah of whom a true likeness is recorded. Also, the written language was expanded from the limited tool of  official record keeping to a fuller, warmer language for use in poetry, songs and story telling.

[[image- Budweiser label 
This chapter of history presented by the King of Beers (R)]]