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[[second half of double page]]
[[11 images - scenes from the meeting]]

Administration appropriations to develop a plan for administration of the emergency fuel assistance program for the poor. Adopted 300-12, June 27, 1979. CBC FOR.

13. The Jones Amendment to cut the proposed tax on oil companies' windfall profits from 70 percent proposed by the House Ways and Means Committee to 60 percent, and for discontinuation of the windfall profits tax after 1990. Adopted 230-185, June 28, 1979. CBC AGAINST

14. A compromise bill on the question of lifting sanctions against Rhodesia was brought to the House Floor, providing that sanctions would be lifted in November, but if the President determined that it was not in the national interest to life sanctions, they would not be lifted. This vote was on an amendment by Congressman Broomfield to lift sanctions on December 1, 1979 and to continue them only if the President and Congress agreed to do so. Rejected 147-242.June 28, 1979. CBC AGAINST.

15. Ashbrook Amendment to the Treasury Appropriations bill designed to prohibit the Internal Revenue Service from putting into effect stronger procedures for removing tax exemptions from private schools which discriminate in admission and other practices. The amendment did this by prohibiting the use of any funds under the bill to formulate or carry out any rule or policy that would cause the loss of tax-exempt status of any private, religious or church-operated school, unless such rule or policy was in effect before August 22, 1978. Adopted 297-63, June 13, 1979. CBC AGAINST.

16. The Preyer Amendment to the Health Planning and Resource Development bill was designed to require health facilities desiring to expand to meet civil rights responsibilities and other specific criteria. The Preyer Amendment was offered as a substitute for the Satterfield Amendment, which was adopted, and which limited conditions which could be required. Rejected 203-211, July 19, 1979. CBC FOR.

17. An amendement to the Foreign Aid Appropriations bill offered by Congresswoman Smith which would have reduced the appropriation for the African Development Fund by $16.7 million. Rejected 148-262, July 19, 1979. CBC AGAINST.

18. The Mottl proposed constitutional amendment intended to prohibit school busing achieve racial desegregation. The amendment stated that students could not be required to attent a school beyond the school nearest their own home. The Congressional Black Caucus and many other organizations and individuals opposed the proposed amendment as an attack on the Constitution as well as an attack on civil rights. It required a 2/3 vote in the House to be sent to the Senate. Rejected 209-216, July 24, 1979. CBC AGAINST.

--Annual Awards


Transcription Notes:
[[11 images]] [[image 1 - photograph of group of men - first half on other page]] [[images - photographs of various guests at Awards and some receiving awards]]