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Rewards for Above and Beyond


Judges of Merit Awards Entries:
Dr. Gloria P. Walker, Director of Mass Communications, and her staff, Clark College, Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. William Kearney, Chairman, Mass Media Arts, and his staff, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va.

Mrs. Marh Luins Small, Chairperson, Department of Journalism, and her staff, School of Communications, Howard University, Washington, D.C.

Dr. Noel Avon Wilson, Associate Professor of Journalism, and his staff, Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri

Robert M. Ruggles, Chairman, Department of Journalism, and his staff, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, Fla.

Winners Are Listed in Alphabetical Order, NOT 1st, 2nd. & 3rd

[[4 columned table]]
| Category | Winners | Judges | Sponsors |
| CLASS I | General Excellence
Central News-Wave
New Pittsburgh Courier
St. Louis Argus | Howard Uni. | ALCOA |
| CLASS II | Robert S. Abbott
Best Editorials
Miami Times
New York Amsterdam News
Richmond Afro-American | Clark College | Phillip Morris |
| CLASS III | Emory O. Jackson
Best Column Writing
Chicago Weekend Gus Savage
Milwaukee Community Journal, Michael Holt
Milwaukee Courier Walter Jones | Florida A&M | Sears, Roebuck and Company |
| CLASS IV | Carl Murphy
Community Service
Macon Courier
New Pittsburgh Courier
Philadelphia Tribune | Hampton Inst. | Coca-Cola |
| CLASS V | Best News Story
Miami Times Roger K. Clendening
Baltimore Afro-American Clarence W. Hunter
Milwaukee Courier Kevin J. Walker | Texas Southern | Pepsi-Cola |
| CLASS VI | Frank L. Stanley, Sr.
Best Feature Story
Jet Magazine
Roy Betts & Maurice Sorrell
Observer/Chicago Araine Sains
Philadelphia Tribune Pamela J. Smith | Lincoln Uni. | Brown and Williamson |
| CLASS VII | Best News Pictures
Chicago Defender Antonio Dickey
Daily News of the Virgin Islands Daily News Photo
New Pittsburgh Courier Don Thomas | Hampton | U.S. Steel |
| CLASS VIII | Wilbert L. Holloway
Best Editorial Cartoons
Atlanta Inquirer Charles Bowie
Chicago Defender Chester Commodore
Washington Afro-American Thomas Stockett
Milwaukee Community Journal James Kern
St. Louis Argus Jackson | Hampton | Gulf Oil Corporation |

[[4 columned table]]
| Category | Winners | Judges | Sponsors |
| CLASS IX | Robert I. Vann
Best Typography & Make-up
Journal and Guide
Los Angeles Sentinel
Sacramento Observer | Howard | Exxon |
| CLASS X | Best Special Edition
Atlanta Daily World
Louisville Defender
Oklahoma Eagle
Seattle Medium | Howard | General Electric |
| CLASS XI | W.A. Scott, II
Best Circulation Promotion
Michigan Chronicle
New York Amsterdam News
Sacramento Observer | Lincoln Uni, | Heinz U.S.A. |
| CLASS XII | Best Women's Section
Jackson Advocate
Michigan Chronicle
Washington Afro-American | Clark College | J.C. Penney Standard Brands |
| CLASS XIV | E. Washington Rhodes
Best Original Advertising
Chicago Defender
Cleveland Call & Post
Sacramento Observer | Florida A&M | Sterling Drug |
| CLASS XV | Best Use of Photographs
Daily News of the Virgin Islands
Milwaukee Courier
Sacramento Observer | Howard | Lever Brothers |
| CLASS XVI | Best Church Section
Chicago Defender
Los Angeles Sentinel
Michigan Chronicle
New Pittsburgh Courier
Sun Francisco Sun Reporter
St. Louis Argus | Florida A&M | PPG Industries |
| CLASS XVII | Best Sports Section
Los Angeles Sentinel
St. Louis American
St. Louis Argus
Washington Afro-American | Texas Southern | American Tobacco |
| CLASS XVIII | Best Business Section
Jackson advocate
Philadelphia Tribune
Sacramento Observer
San Francisco Sun Reporter | Texas Southern | Westinghouse |
| CLASS XIX | Armstrong-Ellington
Best Entertainment Section
Chicago Defender
New York Amsterdam News
Philadelphia Tribune | Lincoln | Schlitz |
| | Russwurm Award | | Miller Brewing Company |

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