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1979 Resolutions Passed by the House of Delegates

Under Representation of Blacks on Health Systems Agencies and Statewide Health Coordinating Councils

The National Medical Association, Inc. become directly involved in the new health legislation now being discussed that will govern the Health Systems Agencies and State Health Planning Development Agencies.

The National Medical Association, Inc. seek more adequate representation of Blacks on staffs on both Health Systems Agencies and State Health Planning Development Agencies and that the National Medical Association, Inc. by way of its Board of Trustees seek this representation.

Health Manpower

The National Medical Association, Inc. establish an Ad Hoc Committee to document the need for an increase in the number of Black health and allied health professionals, the need for financial distress grants and for the training of nursing personnel and Black biomedical Ph.D. develop a position paper on the health manpower issue.

The National Medical Association, Inc., after report of the Ad Hoc Committee, present its position to the Secretary, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, in support of a new health manpower bill supporting an increase in training of Black professionals and the continuation of financial distress grant funding.

Proposed Support for Legislative Efforts of the National Association of Medical Minority Educators, Inc.

The National Medical Association, Inc. support the efforts of the National Association of Medical Minority Educators and join with them to solicit Health Manpower Legislation which will emphasize a higher priority being given to the matters which impact upon opportunities for minorities to enter and successfully complete programs of study for the medical degree in this country.

[[image – a man speaks at a podium]]

Collecting, Collating and Storing Data and Legislation Bearing Upon the Subject of Minority Health Care

The Executive Vice President of the NMA be directed to explore a feasibility study to determine the cost and all available resources to fund such an effort.

Health Maintenance Organization Information and Technical Assistance

The National Medical Association, Inc. seek a renewal and expansion of its present contract with the Office of Health Maintenance Organization to further the continued education of its members.

Independent Practitioners Association Model of the Health Maintenance Organization Concept

The National Medical Association, Inc. support of the position of the Independent Practitioners Association Model of the Health Maintenance Organization Concept.

Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment

The implementation include the Department of Health, Education and Welfare's recommendation that pure tone audiometry and the Denver Developmental Screening Test not necessarily be made a mandatory routine requirement of the screening procedure.

Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment providers be allowed to refer EPSDT recipients to Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists of their choice for pure tone audiometry.

The States allow EPSDT recipients to select EPSDT providers of their choice as stated in HEW's new regulation of May 18, 1979 and mandated by HEW.

EPSDT recipients be encourage to seek immunizations, health care assessments and dantal services from the EPSDT providers of their choice as mandated by HEW's regulations of May 18, 1979.

EPSDT recipients be encouraged to seek continuous health care from private practitioners of their choice in order that they may have a medical home.

The humanitarian aspects of this program, which is to provide health care for the poor, deprived and underserved be carried out in a diligent and forthright and sincere manner.

Federal Legislation Mandating Compulsory Immunization of Pre-School Children

The National Medical Association, Inc. judiciously explore and work toward the development of federal legislation which would require that all children be fully immunized against childhood disease before being registered in their schools, and that such compliance be a condition to not only entry, but remaining in a school setting regardless of whether it is in the public or private sector of education and that immunization be included as a mandated benefit and those health services programs supported by federal funds.

Federal Funding for Abortions

The National Medical Association, Inc. re-affirm its position taken in the 1978 convention which would favor federal financing for abortions under circumstances which would endanger the mother's physical and mental well being including rape, incest, and the mother's wish not to have a child.

Exposure of Black Workers to Organic Pesticides

The National Medical Association, Inc., through its Board of Trustees, immediately establish the position and develop the statements that will urge the Environmental Protection Agency to study and take action in the matter of organopesticides and pollutants as they particularly impact adversely on the health of Blacks and minorities.


The National Medical Association, Inc. favors banning the use of saccharin pending the results of federally funded research to determine its safety and usefulness.

National Need for the Establishment of Long-Term Care Gerontological Centers for the Elderly

The National Medical Association, Inc. call upon the Secretary of the Department Of Health, Education and Welfare and Congress to fund agencies in the private sector to study the feasibility and establish long-term care centers as a viable source for meeting the complex needs of the chronically disabled elderly.

[[image – a man and a woman smile for the camera, standing behind the same podium from the previous image]]

Establishment of a Long-Term Care Gerontology Center at Howard University College of Medicine

The National Medical Association, Inc. become actively involved in the fruition of these concepts and support the grant application to be submitted by the Howard University College of Medicine for study of the feasibility of establishment of a long-term care gerontology center at Howard University and for fellowship grants for the training of professionals and paraprofessionals at Howard University College of Medicine in geriatric medicine.

The National Medical Association, Inc. petition the Secretary, Department Of Health, Education and Welfare to give recognition to the application of Howard University College of Medicine for such feasibility grant money in particular because of the need for such a geriatric center in the Black community, Washington, D.C., and the need to train minority students in geriatric medicine.

The National Medical Association, Inc. recommends that the other Black Medical Centers develop the same type of facility.

Licensing of Health Care Providers

The National Medical Association, Inc. opposes the licensing of any person with the primary responsibility for medical care other than medical doctors and osteopathic physicians.

Mental Health Service Act — S. 117
The National Medical Association, Inc. refer this Bill for review, study and establishment of a position to an appropriate group, i.e., Legislative Council, Neuro- Psychiatric Section, Ad Hoc Committee or the Board of Trustees.

The Black Health Providers Task Force on High Blood Pressure and Control

The National Medical Association, Inc. take an active and collaborative role in the implementation phase of the Task Force efforts.