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[[caption]] Shriners and Daughters of Isis members are charitable people, as can be seen from this photo above. Members of Arabian Temple 139 and Arabian Court 128, Dts. of Isis, provided the Charles Webb Rehabilitation Center with a beautiful gift when they donated two wheelchairs and a financial donation. This brought a bright smile to the face of Michelle Maupin, the 1979 Easter Seal Poster Child in Charleston S.C. From left to right in the photo are Dt. Jewell Mikell, Noble James Bingley, illustrious potentate, Dt. Naomi Brooks, illustrious commandress, and Noble Clemon Richardson. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Imperial Potentate Eugene Dickerson Jr., and Imperial Commandress Anne M. Bolden, crown the new "Miss Fish Bowl Queen, 1979-80," at the annual Fish Bowl Classic game, played on Foreman Field, Norfolk, Va. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Four winners in the Annual Sally Berry Fashion Show and Luncheon held recently by the Imperial Court, Daughters of Isis, are shown in the original creation they made, which netted them first place and runners-up prizes, trophies and plaques. They also received Certificates of Appreciation, signed by Dt. Anne M. Bolden, imperial commandress, from Bloomfield, Ct. From left to right are Dt. Michelle Johnson, Frankfurt, Germany; Past Commandress Marguerite B. Simmons, Mocha Court 42, Richmond, Va.; Dt. Minnie Hall, Abu-Bekr Court 74, Brooklyn, N.Y. and Dt. Lunenia Williams, Thutmose Court 59, San Francisco, California. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] One of the prettiest, smartest and youngest Daughters of Isis members in the world is seen in the photo left. She is Dt. Brenda D. Lang, a member of Kazah Court 117, Miami, Fla. She is the daughter of Mrs. Fleeter A. Lang and the late Noble Leroy A. Lang. A graduate of Talledega State College, Alabama, with a BS degree in elementary education, she is presently studying and working towards a master's degree in administration at Nova University. A 4th grade teacher in Kensington elementary school, Miami, Dt. Lang is Queen of her court, director of the Isiserettes, a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., and financial secretary of the Alumni Association, Talledega College, Miami branch. [[/caption]]