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[[images - additional scenes from the Legislative Weekend]]

PLENARY SESSIONS II - Led by Congressman Walter E. Fauntroy (D.DC), Plenary Session II Began at 10:30 a.m. and consisted of an update on the Congressional Black Caucus/National Black Leadership Roundtable (CBC/NBLR) Communications Action Alert Network to include reports on post-Southern Regional Forum network activities. The Southern Regional Forum was held in Birmingham, Alabama on May 25, 1979. CBC/NBLR State leaders from coast to coast will make reports on the activities of the CBC/NBLR activities in their states, as well as share status reports and strategies on CBC/NBLR legislative priorities. 

WORKSHOP/BRAIN TRUST SESSIONS - followed at 1:30 p.m. Conducted by CBC Members, the workshop covered a range of topics on the CBC legislative Agenda, topics ranged from Aging to Zimbabwe Rhodesia. In addition to the cross-section of the NBLR membership, participants included Carter Administration representatives such as Cabinet Secretaries Cyrus Vance and Patricia Harris and Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti. The workshop sessions explored and discussed issues of interest to the participants and the Black Community. 

Congresswoman Collin added, "In the economic, social and political events of the past year, the Black nation further retrenchments by foes and retreats by friends on the policies affecting our needs. We have also found issues, such as defeat of the attempt to write an anti-busing provision into the Constitution, where broad coalitions have successfully influenced the policymakers. The collective strategies and positions developed during the Caucus Legislative weekend workshops will help the Congressional Black Caucus members to develop truly representative political and legislative plans. These plans will be embodied in the 1980 CBC Legislative Agenda"