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The United Negro College Fund/Arthur Ashe Tennis Benefit is a tremendous source of pride to the entire UNCF family, for it represents a melding together of the most vital components of our successful drives.

The generous and consistent corporate support for this affair is testament to the fact that American businessmen stand firmly behind UNCF's 41 fine schools and recognize education as a sound investment. The willingness of celebrities and tennis professionals to volunteer their time and talent to this affair and other important UNCF events makes it possible for us to stage benefits which are attractive to the public and profitable to the member colleges. To the tireless army of UNCF volunteers, we owe a vast debt of gratitude, for without their work, their creativity, and their loyalty over the years, there would be no United Negro College Fund, and no tennis benefit.

The entire staff of UNCF joins me in saluting all of you who have given of yourselves to make this benefit the dazzling and successful occasion that it is.

Christopher F. Edley

Christopher F. Edley
Executive Director