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The topic, Publishing, Production Techniques and How to get an Agent" drew such panelists as: Dr. John Henrick, Professor of Afro-American Studies and author of 35-books, Cheryl Woodruff, CBS Book Division, and Claudia Caruana, Chemical Engineering Progress.


This was followed by a "Career spotlight; Authors Exhibit (this was open throughout the convention). President Brady presented Certificates to Media Women who were authors. One being Ellen Tarry of the Metropolitan Chapter, Doris Washington of the Long Island Chapter, (who wasn't present to receive her honor) and another Media Sister from Chicago, Mattie Colin Smith.

October 18th NAMW Day

The exiting Anniversary Luncheon found the New York members walking on cloud nine Governor Hugh Carey proclaimed October 18th as "National Association Media Women Day" inthe state of New York. Pretty Mary Burke Nicholas of the Governor's office presented the Proclamation.

The Mayor of the Big Apply didn't want to be caught short and he proclaimed the same day as "NAMW Day" in the City of New York. Manhattan Borough President Andrew Stein was there to present the proclamation for "NAMW Day"' in Manhattan. Queensboro president Donald Manes wasn't there, but he sure sent a representative who delivered a fantastic speech. She was Mrs. Claire Schulman.

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Poston, Keynoter

The Keynote speaker was Mrs. Ersa Poston, Vice Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board. Mrs. Poston is one of the most elegant speakers on the eastern seaboard. A young dynamic lady by the name of Ms. Linda Taliferro, Western Electric Corp. proved to be a young Barbara Jordan in her speech.
The host for the Anniversary luncheon was Edison Electric Institute. Another professional development seminar followed. Topic: "Advertising, Public Relations and Sales."


Some of New York's Most successful Black women served as panelists. They were: Carolyn Jones, Mingo-Jones-Guilmenot Ad Agency, Ronnie Cox, Dudley, Anderson & Yutzy, and Dinah Robinson, ABC-TV Network Sales... Thursday evening, the Metropolitan-New York Chapter played host for a tour of the "Big Apple" called "Light, Sight & Sound Extravaganza Tour of NYC."
Friday morning produced to Professional Development Seminars called: New Communications Technology and Impact on Jobs" and "New Productions Techniques, TV, Tape, Photography & Print." Some of the Panelists were: Fred Ciccone, Manhattan Cable TV, C.T. Lui Pres., C.T. Lui Video Consultants. Dwight Ellis, National Association of Broadcasters, Edgar Price, The Sensitive Eye Production, Inc., Linda Gumbs, Freelance Photographer.


The Founder's Day Luncheon that found the ballroom packed to the last seat to honor Rev. Rhea E. Calloway, Founder of NAMW. Hon. Tyrone Brown, FCC Commissioner was one of the guest speakers. The host for the beautiful luncheon was American Telephone & Telegraph Company and William Patrick, Jr. The Afternoon workshop's topic was: "Highlights of Communications Law" the speaker was handsome James Sullivan, Warner Communications.
This was election year, so it was another business meeting with a report of nominating committee chairman, Alma Redick, Los Angeles Chapter.
Friday evening, the Long Island and Brooklyn Richmond Chapters along with the American Tobacco Company (Walter Sloan) played host to all convention delegates and their guests for six straight hours in the 46-floor suite of the Long Island Chapter. It was truly a fabulous reception.

Last Workshop

Saturday Morning the last workshop convened. The Topic: "Media Management." Mrs. Jewell Jackson McCabe, President of 100 Black Women and Community Affairs Director, WNEW-TV 13 was Moderator. Pretty Barbara Proctor, Pres., Proctor-Gardner Ad Agency and Harriet Lyons, Media & Arts Editor, Ms. Magazine were two of the panelists.
The President's Luncheon was something all chapters were looking forward to. The dynamic speakers included William Larry Lucas, Miority Statistics Program Specialist, Bureau of Census, and Vince Sanders, Vice President and National News Director, National Black Network.
The President's plaque was presented to Helene Southern Slater, President, Metropolitan New York Chapter while Mattie Alexander, the Convention Chairperson and Past National President and member of the Metropolitan New York Chapter received Silver Champagne Buckets for their outstanding work within the organization. Beautiful trophies were presented to the three New York Chapters hosting the convention. the Host for the luncheon was: Clairol Inc., and Mrs. Lorraine Ewing.

New Officers

The countdown was ticking away and it was time for elections. the new slate of officers for the next two years are: Xernona Clayton Brady, from Atlanta re-elected President. Barbara Hopking of Chicago re-elected 1st Vice President; Mary Brown Johnson of New York elected to 2nd Vice President; Mae Simmons of Flint, Recording Secretary.
Two Lay Board members from New York were elected. They were Adele Adams of the Long Island Chapter and Ellen Tarry of the New York Chapter. The VIP Reception and Closing Banquet were sheer delight. The guest Speaker was Judge Bruce Wright. President Brady accepted a scholarship from the American Tobacco Company by Walter Sloan. The New York Chapter was named Chapter of the Year, while the Ida B, Wells award (Media Women of the Year) went to a member of the Flint, Mich. Chapter with a Round the World Airline ticket, compliments of Eastern Airlines.

Young Cited

A Special Award went to former Ambassador Andrew Young and the National Achievement award went to Earl Graves, Publisher of Black Enterprise. Host for the Banquet was Pepsi Cola Company and Sam Hall who received a Special award also.
The Sperry & Hutchison Company and Ms. Dolly Christian hosted the VIP Reception. All the music and entertainment during the entire convention were coordinated by Betty King of the Brooklyn Richmond Chapter. They donated their talents.
Mary Brown Johnson of the Metropolitan Chapter was responsible for most of the underwriting and worked like a little beaver. The Executive Board meeting will be held in April 1980 in Las Vegas while the convention will convene in Chicago... That's all for this week, remember to count your blessings...

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Transcription Notes:
It looks as though someone wrote in the words "the topic" in pen at the beginning of this page. Another typo? "inthe"