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[[a collage of clippings]]
[[clipping 1]]Proposal for Major Tax Breaks Was Backed by Mayor Koch Last Week

Reagan Calls His Version Urban Enterprise Zones' 
Stuart M. Butler, an economist with the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research organization, envisions dozens of "basement businesses" -- laundries, garment shops, bakeries and the like -- each employing a half-dozen or so unskilled workers. If the businesses become productive, Mr. Butler says, they may well move on to more desirable locations. Poor but ambitious entrepreneurs for whom the tax advantages would mean the difference between success and failure, profit and loss, would be eager to take their place, he believes.
For years, cities, counties and states have offered tax breaks to attract businesses. The South has been especially[[/clipping 1]]
[[clipping 2]]
[[image: apartment building]]
WASHINGTON - Over the last two decades, [[countless?]] ideas have been developed for using [[Federal?]]money to rebuild distressed cities and provide for the poor people who live in them. Dozens of [[them?]] have found their way into law, in urban [[renewal?]] and model cities programs, community development block grants, CETA, local public works programs and urban development action grants. But the problem has proved intractable. "Quite [[naturally?]], over this period, the rich got richer and the poor[[?]] got poorer," wrote Richard P. Nathan of Princeton University and James W. Fossett of the University of Michigan in a recent study. [[In?]] the view of Ronald Reagan and his main [[advisers?]] those urban programs were always doomed, [[because?]] they were all based on the assumption that the [[large?]] doses of Federal money were curative. "Only [[individuals?]] can restore economic growth to our inner[[cities?]]. Government will not -- cannot -- create [[enough?]] jobs for the city residents," says Jack Kemp, the [[congressman?]] from Buffalo. [[As?]] the cornerstone of his urban policy, President [[elect?]] Reagan has embraced legislation sponsored by [[?]] Kemp and Robert Garcia, Democrat of the [[Bronx?]], that would provide not money directly but in[[?]], principally in the form of tax reductions, to [[small?]] businesses to locate in rundown neighborhoods
[[column continues off clipping]]
[[next column of same article]][[the following lines are curtailed by another article]]
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[[end of clipping 3]]

[[Clipping 4]]


Klan Leader Criticizes U.S. Report And Asserts, 'We Violate No Law'
Special to The New York Times
DECATUR, Ala., Nov. 24--The leader of a militant Ku Klux Klan faction today criticized a Justice Department study that reportedly terms his movement the most violence-prone Klan group.

Bill Wilkinson, head of the Invisible Empire, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, said in response to the Government study that Federal agents had conducted a five-[[month?]] investigation of his group after a confrontation with blacks last 
[[?]] found we violated no
[[?]] spokesman
[[next column]] Hines, a 28-year-old mentally retarded black man from Decatur, was arrested and charged with rape.
The F.B.I., in a 408-page report, said that there were no violations of Federal law when Klansmen blocked the path of the marchers and members of both groups exchanged gunfire. 
"The offer to the F.B.I. to inspect our camps still stands," Mr. Wilkinson said. "We violate no laws."
Mr. Hines was subsequently convicted but the verdict was reversed.
Last Friday a jury found Mr. Hines mentally incompetent to stand trial on the rape charges, and today a Circuit  [[?]] Chalres R. Crowder of Birmingham [[?]]orarily committed Mr. Hines
[[?]]hospital at Tuscaloosa
[[?]]that another instit-
[[?]]Hospital, a
[[?]]Tusca [[/end of clipping]]

[[clipping 5]]
Klan teaching Boy Scouts to
BOY SCOUTS are being taught how to strangle, shoot and decapitate people at a Ku Klux Klan training camp near Houston, Texas dailies reported yesterday. 
The boys -- aged 13 to 19, and either Explorer Scouts or Civil Air Patrol cadets -- took their extracurricular courses at Camp Puller, a training base for the Texas Emergency Reserve.
The Texas Emergency Reserve is a paramilitary arm of the Klan.
The boys were instructed in guerrilla warfare at the camp by ex-Marine Joe Bogart and John Bryant.
Bryant was convicted in January of the illegal sale of automatic weapons; his probation forbids him to handle guns.
Bogart has been a Klan member for two years. "I am proud to be a member of the Klan. There are only two groups I'll battle with -- Communists and homosexuals. That's the basic reason I joined the Klan."
Bogart said he was invited to teach the boys by Bryant--who runs [[an Explorer?]] post. Dur[[?]]
rine hitch[[?]] [[/end of clipping]]

[[clipping 6]]
not viole[[?]]
"They have [[?]]
he added.
The Invisible Empire has [[?]]
training camps where, according to [[Mr.?]] Wilkinson, members "are preparing for a race war." One camp is 30 miles to the south of here, near Cullman, where Klansmen carry guns and wear fatigues. 
The Justice Department review reportedly found that two other Klan groups [[/end of clipping]]
[[clipping 7]]
[[U.S.?]] Study Urges Agencies to Cooperate Against Klan
WASHINGTON, Nov. 23 (UPI) -- A [[Justice?]] Department study has concluded [[that?]] Federal agencies must cooperate [[more?]] fully to combat Ku Klux Klan violence, saying that a Klan faction headed [[?]] Bill Wilkinson "bears watching" as a [[potential?]] serious threat.
[[The?]] department review found Mr. Wilkinson's Invisible Empire, Knights of the [[Ku?]] Klux Klan, to be the most dangerous [[of?]] several Klan splinter groups because [[Mr.?]] Wilkinson "really does very much [[?]] note violence," according to a law en[[?]]ement source familiar with the re-[[?]]

"Wilkinson's group is the much more serious and bears watching." the source said, adding that most of the factions in the white supremacist organization seemed to be operating independently.

Preparations for Race War
Mr. Wilkinson's Invisible Empire has set up a commando training camp near Cullman, Ala., where followers carry guns ,wear army fatigues and say they are preparing for a race war. 
The Justic Department review found that two other Klan-related groups, Robert Shelton's United Klans of America and the new organization of a former Klan wizard, David Duke, called the National Association for the Advancement of White People, to be less violent.

The study, which will be left to the new Administration, was conducted at the request of the Justice Department civil rights chief, Drew S. Days 3d. Mr. Days was trying to elarn whether there has actually been a resurgence of Klan activities and whether Federal agencies are effectively combating Klan violence.
"Resurgence is not a correct way to describe it, " said an official familiar with the results of the review. "There's not a massive turning toward the Klan. It's very much dependent upon the media for its existence."

The six-month review was done mainly by Louis M. Thrasher, a former Justice Department civil rights lawyer, who prepared a controversial, unprecedented suit charging the city of Philadelphia with condoning police brutality.

Lack of 'Information Sharing'
According to Mr. Thrasher's conclusions, a lack of "information sharing" between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms may have hampered some Klan prosecutions. 
According to sources familiar with the contents of the report, firearm bureau

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