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[[image - black and white photo of Norman Francis]]
[[Dr.]] Norman Francis
[[New]] Orleans, Louisiana

[[image - black and white photo of Charles L. Haye]]
Dr. Charles L. Hayes
Albany State College
Albany, Georgia

[[image- black and white photo of Allix B. James]]
Dr. Allix B. James
Virginia Union University

[[image - black and white photo of Luna I. Mishoe]]
Dr. Luna I. Mishoe
Delaware State College
Dover, Delaware
Chairman, Honors Awards Committee

[[image - black and white photo of Lionel H. Newsom]]
[[Dr.]]Lionel H. Newsom
[[cutoff]]ral State University
[[cutoff]]erforce, Ohio
[[cutoff]]quet Committee

[[image - black and white photo of John A. Peoples Jr]]
Dr. John A. Peoples, Jr.
Jackson State University
Jackson, Mississippi

[[image - black and white photo of Henry Ponder]]
Dr. Henry Ponder
Benedict College
Columbia, South Carolina

[[image - black and white photo of Prezell R. Robinson]]
Dr. Prezell R. Robinson
Saint Augustine's College
Raleigh, North Carolina

[[image - black and white photo of James A. Russell, Jr.]]
[[Dr.]] James A. Russell, Jr.
[[S]]t. Paul's College
[[Law]]renceville, Virginia
[[Hon]]ors Awards Committee

[[image- black and white photo of Julius S. Scott]]
Dr. Julius S. Scott
Paine College
Augusta, Georgia

[[image - black and white photo of Harrison B. Wilson]]
Dr. Harrison B. Wilson
Norfolk State University
Norfolk, Virginia

[[image - black and white photo of Samuel L. Myers]]
Dr. Samuel L. Myers
Washington, D.C.
Executive Director