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[[Image - An African American Woman ]]

Discover Beautiful Hair.

Advanced Chemistry Crème Relaxer System

Its exclusive color-change formula assures beautiful results!

Imagine and extra-creamy professional formula so advanced, it actually changes color to signal when it's ready to apply.
Imagine a relaxer system so terrific it softens, smooths, and shines your hair.
And just one formula effectively relaxes all curls, even on resistant, hard-to-control hair. So you can create the fashion looks you want.
You know what beautiful things CREME OF NATURE shampoo does for you and your hair -- discover CREME OF NATURE RELAXER today!

You'll feel the difference and love the feeling!

WARNING: Follow directions carefully to avoid skin and scalp irritation, hair breakage and eye injury.

Contains NO LYE (Sodium Hydroxide) Unsurpassed by any other relaxer
