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[[image]] [[caption]]Dr. Howard V. Brabson Nat'l Pres., NABSW[[/caption]] ANNOUNCING NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BLACK SOCIAL WORKERS 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE ATLANTA, GEORGIA APRIL 21 TO 25, 1981 Sheraton Atlanta-Atlanta Biltmore NATIONAL OFFICERS President JAY CHUNN Washington, D.C. Vice President LORNA HILL San Francisco,Calif. Secretary AUDREYE JOHNSON Durham, N.C. Treasurer JOHN ADAMS Cleveland, Ohio Members At Large SHIRLEY BETTER Los Angeles, Calif. BILL MERRITT Newark, N.J. Executive Director CENIE J. WILLIAMS, Jr. New York, N.Y. The National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW) is a black organization on a national level that provides a structure and forum through which black social workers and workers in related fields of social services can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs in the interest of the black community specifically and the community-at-large generally. It is a non-profit organization, consisting of dedicated professionals and Community Workers who without pay, freely make their skills available to groups, individuals and agencies for the alleviation of the numerous problems confronting the Black Community. It was formed May 1st, 1968 in San Francisco. Since then, over 110 chapters have been established successfully throughout the nation. Once a year there is a National Conference held in a host state to coordinate, communicate and clarify issues that beset black Americans everywhere. While the social work profession is concerned with the common human needs of all individual's regardless of race or ethnic origin, we have found, however, that there are certain problems peculiar to the black Community that have not been dealt with adequately by the prevailing social work organizations and agencies. As African people, we will deal with those problems that deserve priority in the oppressed black communities. This means engaging the community in meaningful action and self-determination based on sound social work principles as well as a deep commitment to ethnic and human decency. OBJECTIVES OF ABSW 1. To work in cooperation with or to support, develop and/or sponsor community welfare projects and programs which will serve the interests of the Black Community. 2. To engage in activities of social planning and social action which will work to serve the social welfare interests of individuals, agencies, and groups in the Black Community. 3. To fight racial injustice of any form. Theme: ORGANIZING THE AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY for the 80's [[image]] 28