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The Jackie Robinson Foundation, Inc.
Rachel Robinson, Chairperson.

[[image - Rachel Robinson]]
[[caption]] "Every young person should be able to develop his or her potential in freedom and dignity." [[/caption]]

Q. Mrs. Robinson, your late husband, Jackie Robinson, was an inspiration to millions of young people, and he always took a great interest in them. Is that one of the main reasons why the Jackie Robinson Foundation centers its work around youth?

A. Yes. Jack believed that every young person should be able to develop his or her potential in freedom and dignity. We're trying to make that ideal a reality for our youngsters.

Q. Quite a tall order, isn't it?

A. It is, but we do not feel it is unattainable, and we're working at it in a number of ways. For example, the Jackie Robinson Foundation scholarships have helped 11 young people attend top colleges since 1973. The first scholarship was awarded that year by Chesebrough-Pond's and the company is the largest corporate donor to the scholarship program.

Q. What are some of the other Jackie Robinson Foundation projects?

A. We have established a Jackie Robinson Foundation Leadership Development Program in Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, N.Y. It will be expanded to other communities in subsequent years. Strengthening and increasing leadership within Black and poor communities is a key part of our work. 

Q. How about your plans for a Jackie Robinson facility in New York?

A. That's still a long way off. But, we hope that when it's complete, it will be a focal facility for meaningful activities, supporting achievements in education, recreation and cultural areas.

[[image - Rachel Robinson]]
[[caption]] "Strengthening and increasing leadership within Black and poor communities is a key part of our work." [[/caption]]

Q. If our readers wish to support the work of the Jackie Robinson Foundation, what should they do?

A. We can use all of the help we can get. And it comes from any sources. From large corporations to concerned individuals who donate a dollar or two. Anyone who's interested should write, The Jackie Robinson Foundation, P.O. Box 42J, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11202.

[[image - Rachel Robinson]]
[[caption]] "We can use all the help we can get. And it comes from many sources."[[/caption]]

Chesebrough-Pond's Inc.

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