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National Medical Fellowships, Inc.
Dr. Leon Johnson, President

[[caption]] "Since 1946, we have provided over $18 million to more than 6500 students." [[/caption]]

Q. Who does NMF help?

A. National Medical Fellowships awards scholarship based on need to Black, Mexican-American, mainland Puerto Rican and American Indian students attending U.S. medical schools. Since our founding in 1946. we have provided over $18 million to more than 6500 students. NMF is the only private, nonprofit organization in the country dedicated to increasing the number of minority physicians.

Q. More minority physicians? Why?

A. The need for more qualified minority physicians is overwhelming. Minorities represent nearly 20 percent of the population, yet they constitute less than 10 percent of practicing physicians and serve almost all minority people. Considering the current health manpower needs in the under-served urban and rural areas from which many of the minority physicians come and practice, the support of the minority medical students is not only desirable, but essential.

Q. Is cost a major barrier to a medical education for minority students?

A. Yes, each year the high cost of medical education discourages many qualified minority students from pursuing a career in medicine. In fact, since 1975, medical school tuition costs have increased more than 100 percent. Parallel to this, minority enrollment in the nation's medical schools during this time ranged from only 7 to 10 percent. An additional handicap for NMF recipients is that most come from families with incomes half that of the average medical student.

W. How can the public help?

A. National Medical Fellowships, as a non-profit, depends entirely on voluntary gifts to provide necessary scholarships to minority medical students. Private donors to NMF include foundations, corporations, and individuals. Nevertheless, given inflation and soaring educational costs, the total of all private efforts remains short of the need. You can help. For more information write:
National Medical Fellowships, Inc.,
250 West 57th Street, Suite 1820,
New York, NY 10019.

[[caption]] "Minorities make up nearly 20% of the population, yet constitute less than 10% of practicing physicians." [[/caption]]

[[caption]] "Medical school tuition costs have increased over 100% since 1975." [[/caption]]

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