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periods open each session of the convention and persons are given the opportunity to witness the goodness of the Lord. The Jr. and Young People, and the Young Adults meet separately from the Senior body. Their sessions are parallel to the business sessions of the Seniors.

Each of the three Presidents (Senior, Junior and Young Peoples and Young Adult) give an address on Thursday of their stewardship during the last convention year.

As a layman organization, on the local, State, and National levels, we strive to work within the church with the minister and church members to give, serve and to add to the services. We welcome ministers of all the christian churches to fellowship with us on all levels.

Organizational Structure

Each member church board is a part of a local (or a district). These districts report to the State presidents for the State member organization. Advising the State president of their progress and of any assistance needed. The States work and report their progress to the Regional Directors (most of whom are Vice Presidents to the National body). 

The Board of Directors is in charge when the convention is not in session working closely with the National President.

[[5 images - scenes from the convention]]