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[[caption BILLY ROWE [[/caption]]

A commoner who was a king

It seems you only see old friends at funerals when you have passed that magic milestone. It was so the other week when Herb Wright, a good and respected friend of many of us, near and far, was eulogized before being returned to the bosom of the earth. His living, and the manner in which he touched all of our lives, was best summed up by James C. Bowling, Senior Vice President and assistant to the Chr'man of the Board, Philip Morris, Inc. They were beautiful and meaningful words, seemingly recorded by the soul and played back by the heart. To me Herb walked crossed the years with purpose, dignity and compassion. I thank Jim for expressing the feelings of his many friends and offer them for your eyes and the immortality of Herb Wright, a right guy if ever there was one. 

"Herb Wright and I were friends and confidants and associates for over 30 years - and for that I am grateful.

He made great contributions to his company - The quality of our lives - and to society. The Lord giveth - and the Lord taketh away - Herb always said he thought that was a pretty fair deal!

We- his friends and his family come together with a bond of love and admiration for a truly great guy - who taught us by his death - as he taught us by his life.

Herb was always the patient teacher - always the understanding friend - who among us has not been touched by his life? At the end he taught us hope- and he taught us courage. Thanks to the medical skills of Dr.Aaron Wells - the power of all your prayers - and the indomitable spirit of Herb - we all shared the last 11 yrs. of his remarkable life - and at the end his incredible personal dignity - and consideration - even at the end - we laughed together.

The Man the Pittsburgh Courier once called - "The Bronze Adonis" - his hospital room was like his hospitality suites.

I think that when we cry - we cry not for him - but for ourselves.

I think he would prefer - however that we not mourn his loss - but rather celebrate his life. Let's think of his qualities - Personal Dignity - Wit and Everlasting Humor. Style-style in everything he did. Total Dependability - Totally Trustworthy - Personal Modesty - He Ridiculed the Pompous - He strengthened the Humble - He Gave of Himself - Always The Teacher - Always the Super Salesman - He sold us hope and the promise of a better tomorrow.

He exemplified loyalty - Loyalty to friends - loyalty to causes - loyalty to products - to his company - and loyalty to his ideals. And yes courage - remarkable and eternal courage. Herb's beliefs were solid - deeply rooted - and practiced. Herb believed in the dignity of labor - and the worth of all people. He believed in the human potential - and he conveyed that to others in such a way that nobody ever wanted to let him down. Whether a harassed waiter at a busy convention - or a famous leader of men.

Over the years - I saw the greats of our generations come to his office for advice and counsel - and friendship - Martin Luther King, Whitney Young, Roy Wilkins, Members of Congress - and just as important to Herb, students, employees, acquaintances, friends - and friends of friends.

He planted the seeds of greatness in many people - and I think you'll agree - we are all better because of him. Many of you are living memorials to him - and to his belief in you. Tom Shropshire, George Lewis, George Powell, Stan Scott, George Knox, Don Harris, and the list goes on - and it includes you - and me - and George Weissman - and people who never knew him as we have all been privileged to do - those who heard about him - read about him - or heard him speak. We'll all see Herb again - When we see hope - When we see courage - When we laugh - When we see confidence - When wee see faith -  When we see consideration for others. When each of us performs as he thought us capable of doing. Thank you - Herb - and God bless you always. 

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