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[[4 images, labeled A, B, C, D]]
Photo Identification
A OMICRON Chapter: New York City Rear-Soror Beryl Richardson Allen (President), Soror Elayne W Corley (Vice President), Soror Thelma Dailey, UN Representative, National President of Trade Union Women of African Heritage; Likda Bailey, Secretariat of United Nations Decade for Women.
Front-- Mrs. Daisy Screven George, Executive Board NGO Section, United Nations; Dr. Lucille Mathurin Mair, Secretary General, United Nations Decade for Women; Soror Beatrice Crawford, Eastern Regional Director, Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

B Epsilon Chapter, Cleveland, Ohio

C Alpha Zeta Chapter, St. Louis, Mo.

D Alpha Nu Chapter, Youngstown, Ohio

E Epsilon Delta Chapter, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands

F Gamma Rho Chapter, Detroit, Mich.

G GAMMA MU CHAPTER, Los Angeles, California

H Senator Tommy Broadwater, 25th District, Maryland, was principal speaker when Epsilon Delta Chapter, Prince Georges, Maryland, observed 1980 American Education Week. Mrs. Lois Howerton s Chapter President.