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Bearden plays Bearden.

These are some visual tunes - sprightly and gay, slow and haunting - composed and played in shapes and colors by one of America's most distinguished living artists, Romare Bearden. They are part of his past 10 years' work, gathered from private collections and leading museums, for "Romare Bearden: 1970-1980" opening on October 12th at the Mint Museum in the artist's native Charlotte, North Carolina.

Like the jazz musicians of the '30s who were his mentors, Bearden composes by improvisation, making it up as he goes along. It is a method which guarantees originality and requires virtuosity. Today, at the height of his powers, Bearden plays Bearden - dazzlingly and delightfully. And the result, as you can see, is a harmony of things remembered and things never seen, of Bearden's personal idiom and the universal language that we all speak.

That's one reason we sponsored this exhibition and why we hope  you'll see it at one  of the times and places listed below. In our business, as in yours, we need to be reminded that we work with the same materials that everyone else does - and that we can only use them better through individual imagination, individual creativity, individual innovativeness. Sponsorship of art that reminds us of these things is not patronage. It's a business and human necessity.

If your company would like to know more about corporate sponsorship of art, write George Weissman, Chairman of the Board, Philip Morris Incorporated, 100 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.

Philip Morris Incorporate
It takes art to make a company great.
Makers of Marlboro, Benson & Hedges 100's, Merit, Parliament Lights, Virginia Slims and Cambridge; Miller High Life Beer, Lite Beer and Lowenbrau Special and Dark Special Beer; 7 UP and Diet 7 UP.

[[image: PM Logo]]

"Romare Bearden: 1970-1980" appears at the Mint Museum, Charlotte, NC October 12, 1980 to January 4, 1981; Mississippi Museum of Art, Jackson, MS January 30 to March 29, 1981; The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD April 28 to June 14, 1981; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA June 30 to August 9, 1981. This exhibition is sponsored by Philip Morris Incorporated and the National Endowment for the Arts.

[[caption]] (top left) SUNSET LIMITED, 1978. Private Collection. (bottom left) MAUDELL SLEET'S MAGIC GARDEN, 1978. Private Collection. (top center) MORNING OF THE ROOSTER, 1980. Collection Mr. James F. Keenan. (top right) FAREWELL EUGENE, 1978. Collection Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Gorman. (bottom right) OUT CHORUS, 1979. Collection Dr. Akosua Barthwell. 