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Organizations | Where They Meet | Hotel | Date | National Head
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
Leadership Conference On Civil Rights | Washington, D.C. | Capitol Hilton | Feb. 22-23 | Clarence Mitchell, Jr.
United Negro College Fund, Inc. | New York City | Sheraton Center | Mar. 11-12 | Turner C. Battle, III
National Association for Equal Opportunity |  | | |
Iota Phi Lambda Sorority | Regional Conferences |  |  |
Higher Education | Washington, D.C. | Washington Hilton Hotel | Mar. 25-28 | Dr. Samuel L. Myers
National Association of Black Social Workers | Chicago, IL | Marriott Hotel | Apr. 5-11 | Howard Brabson
American Bridge Association | St. Louis, MO  | Sheraton/St. Louis | Apr.-Week of 12th | Dr. Arnold P. Jones
Interracial Council for Business Opportunity | New York City | New York Hilton | Apr. 28 | Malcolm Corrin
American Association for Affirmative Action | Detroit, MI |  | May 5-8 | Sheila J. Nickson
National Association of Market Developers | Houston, TX | Marriott-Brookhollow | May 16-19 | Eugene McCullers
Coalition of Black Trade Unionists | Memphis, TN | Rivermont Holiday Inn | May 28-31 | William Lucy
Opportunities Industrialization Centers of America (OIC) | Chicago, IL | Hyatt Regency | May 29 to June 2 | Leon Sullivan
Bottle & Cork Sales Club | New York City | Hotel Pierre | May 1982 | Joe Taylor
National Association of Black Women Attorneys |  |  | May 1982 | Wilhelmina J. Rolark
Africare | Washington, D.C. | | Late May or Early June | 
The Girl Friends | Nashville, TN |  | May 18 | Phyllis Stevenson
Grand Lodge Session | Tareyton, N.J. |  Tareyton Hilton | June |  
Black Music Association | New Orleans, LA | Hyatt Regency | June 3-6 | Le Baron Taylor                       
John Hunter Society | 57th Avenue, NYC  | Holiday Inn | June 1982 | Eddie Younger
National Newspaper Publishers Association | Baltimore, MD | Hyatt Regency | June 16-19 | John M. Procope
A. Philip Randolph Institute | Washington, D.C. | Sheraton/Washington | June 17-20 | Helen K. Toth
United Black Fund | Washington, D.C. | Sheraton/Washington | June 18 | Dr. Calvin W. Roark
Top Ladies of Distinction | Dallas, TX | Fairmont Hotel | June 23-27 | V. Crawley
Chi Delta Mu | Nassau, Bahamas | DeLuxe Ambassador Beach Hotel | June 23-27 | Roderick Tarrier
Chi Delta Mu Wives | Nassau, Bahamas | DeLuxe Ambassador Beach Hotel | June 23-27 | Mrs. Thomas E. Allen
Continental Societies, Inc. |  | Meadowland Hilton | June 25-28 | Edna Calhoun
National Association for | Boston, MA | Boston/Sheraton | June 26 to July 2 | Mildred Bond Roxborough
National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC) | Oakland, CA |  | Jund 30 to July 4 | Renard E. Vine
Lambda Kappa Mu |  |  |  |
National Association of Black Accountants |  | New York Hilton | Oct. 6 | Vernon Evans
The Links Inc. | Las Vegas, NE | Las Vegas Hilton | July 5-10 | Julia Purnell
Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. | Washington, D.C. | Washington/Hilton | July 11-18 | Peola H. McCaskill
Carats | Cleveland, Ohio |  | July 9-11 
 | Janet Sellman 
Operation PUSH (People United to Save Humanity) | Charleston, S.C. | Sheraton Hotel | July 12-17 | Rev. Jesse Jackson
Montfort Point Marines | Great Gorge, N.J. | Playboy Club | July 12-18 | Sam Saxon
National Optometric Association | Orlando, FL | Disneyland | July 13-18 | Robert Johnson
National Insurance Association | Detroit, MI |  | July 18-21 | J. Mason Davies
Frontiers Internation | Philadelphia, PA | Sheraton Hotel | July 18-23 | Welbert Singleton
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. | Boston, MA | Hynes Auditorium | July 18-25 | Dr. Barbara K. Phillips
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. | Chicago, IL | Hyatt Regency | July 21-25 | Dr. Lillian A. Parks
Zeta Phi Beta, Inc. | Richmond, VA | Hyatt Hotel | July 25 | Dr. Edith Francis
National Pharmaceutical Association | Philadelphia, PA | Franklin Plaza | July 25-29 | Michael Labat
National Medical Association | San Francisco, CA | San Francisco/Hilton | July 25-30 | Dr. Vertis Thompson
Women's Auxiliary to NMA |  | Marriott Hotel | July 25 | 
National Bar Association | Atlanta, GA | Marriott Hotel | July 25 | 
National Bar Association | Atlanta, GA | Marriott Hotel | July 25-31 | Arnette Hubbard
National Association of Colored Women's Clubs | Anchorage, Alaska | Captain Cook Hotel | July 26-30 | Otelia Champion
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