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De Fossett 
Crawley [[/captions]]

[[5 column Table]]
Organizations | Where They Meet | Hotel | Date | National Head
National Black Nurses Association | Atlanta, GA | Hyatt Regency | July 30 to Aug. 4 | E. Lorraine Baugh
Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc. | Washington, D.C. | Washington Sheraton | July 30 to Aug. 6 | Alice Swain
National Church Ushers | Cincinnati, OH | Stouffers Hotel | July 25-30 | James Anderson
Eta Phi Beta | Oklahoma City | Sheraton Centre Hotel | July 31 to Aug. 6 | Gloria Chapman
National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs | Washington, D.C. | Capitol Hilton | July 28 to Aug. 1 | May E. Singletary
National Beauty Culturists League | Philadelphia, PA | Franklin Plaza Hotel | Aug. 1-9 | Maud Gaskins
National Association of Real Estate Brokers | Detroit, MI | Detroit Plaza Hotel | Aug. 5-12 | Q. V. Williamson
National Urban League | Los Angeles, CA | L.A. Convention & Exhibition Center | Aug. 1-4 | John Josephs
Tau Gamma Delta Sorority, Inc. | New Orleans, LA | Hilton Hotel | Aug. 1-7 | Noma O. Scott
Kappa Alpha psi Fraternity, Inc. | Detroit, MI | Detroit Plaza | Aug. 1-6 | Oliver S. Gumbs
Progressive National Baptist Convention | Cleveland, OH | Convention Center | Aug. 2-6 | Dr. Ralph W. Camty
The National Association of University Women | Chicago, IL | Palmer House | Aug 2-6 | Nettie Manning
Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law | San Francisco, CA |  | Aug. 5-12 | John D. Jones & Norman Redlick
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. | Los Angeles, CA | Hilton Hotel | Aug. 6-12 | Ozell Sutton
National Technical Association, Inc. | Baltimore, MD | Hyatt Regency | Aug. 2-7 | Eugene M. Bentley
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Miami, FL | Fontainbleau Hilton | Aug. 7-14 | Burnel E. Coulon
National Dental Association | Chicago, IL | Palmer House | Aug. 8-12 | Wilfred Ralph
The National Alliance of Postal & Federal Employees | Atlanta, GA | Peachtree Plaza Hotel | Aug. 9-13 | Robert White
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) | Birmingham, AL |  | Aug. 10-13 | Dr. Joseph E. Lowery
Association of Black Psycholoists | Cincinnati, OH | Marriott Hotel | Aug. 11-15 | Theodore A. Jones
Improved Benevolent Protective Order of Elks of the World, Inc. | Washington, D.C. | Washington Sheraton | Aug. 14-20 | Hobson R. Reynolds
Daughters of Isis | Denver, CO | Marriott Hotel | Aug. 15-20 | Dorothy M. Scott
Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine | Denver, CO | Denver Hilton | Aug. 15-20 | Harry Smith 
National Smart Set |  |  |  | Marie Rhone
National Funeral Directors | Orlando, FL | Disneyland | Aug. 8-12 | Bill Hutchins
National Baptist Convention | Miami, FL | Fontainbleau Hotel | Sept. 6-12 | Reverend J. Jackson
National Black Police Association | Houston, TX | Hyatt Regency | Aug. 31 to Sept. 3 | Jimmy Hargrave
National Business League | Dallas, TX | Fairmont Hotel | Sept. 1982 | Theodore R. Hagans, Jr.
Congressional Black Caucus | Washington, D.C. | Washington Hilton | Sept. 24-26 | Gary Rivers
National Hook-Up of Black Women | Washington, D.C. | Washington Hilton | Sept. 25 | Kareen P. Johnson
Tuskegee Airmen | St. Louis, Mo. | Stouffers Hotel | Oct. 13, 1982 | G. Esquerre
National Association of Minority CPA Firms | Cleveland, Ohio |  | Oct. 11-15 | Daniel Dennis
National Bankers Association | Atlanta, GA | Hyatt Regency | Oct. 12-15 | Owen Fenderberg
National Association of Media Women | Atlanta, GA | Peachtree Plaza | Oct. 13-15 | Ella K. Mays
Association for the Study of American Life and History | Baltimore, MD | Convention Center | Oct. 21-24 | J. Rupert Picott, Ph.D.
National Black Child Development Institute | Los Angeles, CA | Los Angeles Hilton | Oct. 27-29 | Alma Stellworth
National Alliance of Black School Educators | New Orleans, LA | Fairmont Hotel | Nov. 1982 | Ernest Hartzog
Southern Regional Council | Atlanta, GA | Atlanta Biltmore | Nov. 6-8 | Tony Harrison
National Council of Negro Women | Washington, D.C. | Washington Sheraton | Nov. 11-14 | Dorothy Height
National Alliance of of Black School Educators | New Orleans, LA | Fairmont Hotel | Nov. 11-14 | Marvin Greene
[[/5 column table]]