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Dr. Eddie Mazique and Dr. Phillip Nicholas and family enjoying the ancient Egyptian ruins and temple at Karnak, Egypt near the Nile river.

In the Chagall Synagogue of the Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in jerusalem, viewing the famous stained-glass windows of Marc Chagall which depicts the blessings of Jacob on his twelves sons are left to right: Mrs. Leslie L. Alexander of New York City: Mrs. Freddye Henderson, president of Henderson Travel Service of Atlanta; Mrs. Stella Moore of South Pittsburgh, Tenn.; and Dr. Leslie Alexander of New York.

Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Alexander outside the temple at Karnak, Egypt.

(Left to Right) Nora Alexander, R.N. of Brooklyn, N.Y., Marguerite Mazique, Ph.D. of Washington, D.C. Freddye Henderson of Atlanta, Gladys Porter of Wilmington, Del., and Marie Robinson of Washington, D.C. before the Holy Land's Wailing Wall. 

1978 International Continuing Medical Education Seminar
August 4-18, 1978

Helsinki, Finland; Moscow, Kiev, Leningrad, Russia; Copenhagen, Denmark; Amsterdam, Holland

1979 International Continuing Medical Education Seminar
August 16 - September 1, 1979
Hong Kong; Canton, Hang Chow, Shanghai, Peking, China

1980 International Continuing Medical Education Seminar
August 8-23, 1980
Lima, Peru; Quito, Ecuador; Boggata and Cartagena, Columbia

1981 International Continuing Medical Education Seminar
July 24- August 9, 1981

Amman Jordan; Tiberias, Haifa, Bethlehem, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Israel; Cairo, Egypt

Pictures taken at 4th Annual All States Educational Seminar