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The twentieth anniversary of the Kopelles was celebrated this summer at the National Youth Assembly. It was held on the campus of Syracuse University and was hosted by Xi Kopelles of Syracuse, New York, July 28-August 1st. The Youth Assembly was well attended, with approximately ninety youth and co-ordinators in attendance. Those present were stimulated by a variety of activities and events centered around the theme "Roots."

In addition to the business sessions, there was a workshop on "Youth and Stress," conducted by Dr. Saundra B. Reyes of Hutchings Psychiatric Clinic. Also, the group has an outing at Darien Lake Fun Country and went on a spree at Shopping-town, Dewitt, N.Y.

Preceding the Coronation Ball, the Youth Awards Luncheon was held at Drumlins Country Club. The keynote speaker was Mr. William Bellinger, a local educator, who spoke about "Youth and Today's Society." The recipients of the awards were: Best Presentation-Iota, Baltimore, Outstanding Youth Group-Kappa, Boston and "Miss Kopelle-Carla Neal, Theta, Washington, D.C.

National Koepelles Officers for the year 1982-83  are: Barbara Stuart, Chi, President; Renee Vandrpool, Xi, Vice-President;  Secretary, Brenda Baugh, Chi; Treasurer, Kathy Wilmer, Iota; and Roxanne Brooks, Iota, Parliamentarian.

Guests in attendance at the Youth Assembly were Miss Leah Brown, Miss Kopelle 1981 and Ms. Evelyn Hickson, First Anti-Basileus of LKM, Inc. 

[[caption]] Youth Assembly, Campus of Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, July 28 - August 1, 1982
L to R - Renee Vanderpool - National Parliamentarian, Syracuse, N.Y. - XI Carla Neal - National President, Washington, D.C. Theta. Barbara T. Hill -  National Youth Coordinator, Roxbury, Ma. Kappa, Barbara Stuart - National Secretary, Paterson, N.J. Chi. [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Northeastern Regional Conference, Host Chapter Mu of Philadelphia. [[/caption]]