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Convention registration.

Formal Opening Ceremonies.

Morgan N. Jackson, M.D.; John L. Townsend, M.D. (National Chairman, Internal Medicine); and Judson F. Eneas, M.D. (Co-local Chairman).

Alma R. George, M.D. and LeSalle D. Leffall, M.D.

Mayor Tom Bradley accepting Scroll of Merit. 

President Robert L. M. Hilliard, M.D. delivers Inaugural Address.

Recipients of the Scroll of Merit: Mayor Henry G. Asneros, Mayor Tom Bradley, Dario O. Prieto, Faye Wattleton.

Visiting the Exhibit Area.

Visiting the Exhibit Area.

Jesse B. Barber, M.D.

Phillip M. Smith, M.D. (Chairman of the Board) toasts the President and Mrs. Hilliard.

Henry W. Wiggins, Jr. - Speaker of the House of Delegates.

Dancing at the President's Ball.

Mayor Tom Bradley greets guests at Reception in his honor.

Visiting the Exhibits.