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Auxiliary To 
The National 
Medical Association

The 1983 Convention will
be in Chicago, Illinois
July 24-28

Improving the Quality 
of Family Life
through Service to
Children and Youth

As members of the Auxiliary to the National Medical Association, we have a unique and privileged relationship with the medical/health profession. We have love, compassion and concern for our fellowman and treasure the idea of healthy, happy families. 

The Auxiliary is a vital organization and we need energies, ideas and voluntary action of all members as we work together to help our family and families in our communities live healthier and happier lives. 

I implore each of you to increase your volunteer services so that we may accomplish new things, protect the family we love and assure good health and a better standard of living for our nation.

Margurite Mazique, President '82-'83

[[caption]] Installing Officer—Dr. J. B. Jones. Mrs. Marguerite Mazique, President 1982-83, Mrs. Vera L. Ricketts, President 1981-82, Dr. J. B. Jones [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Presentation of Gavel— Mrs. Vera Picketts to Mazique [[/caption]]

[[caption]] Mrs. Mazique taking oath of office [[/caption]]

[[caption]] ANMA President—Mrs. Mazique [[/caption]]