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[[caption]] The Equitable Life Assurance Society of America whos Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Coy Ecklund, Chairman of the National Urban League, welcomed delegates and friends to the Equitable booth. [[/caption]]

Continued from page 181

continued to be provided, in the form of subsidies, construction, and rehabilitation. Further, public housing operating subsidies must be continued at an adequate level. 

15. The housing counseling program, a critical component of this nation's commitment to the shelter needs of the poor, must continue to be funded at an adequate level. 

16. Housing and community development activities, particularly the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, should be targeted to the low and moderate income community for whom they were intended. The federal government has a statutory responsibility to ensure this, and it must continue to exercise his authority.  


17. The President should make public the findings and recommendations of his Commission of Excellence in Education. Particular emphasis should be given to the commission's findings and background papers in determining a more equitable and effective approach to strengthening instruction in public schools. 

18. In the wake of the report on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Test released by the Department of Defense - a moratorium should be placed on all assessment studies which do not equitable delineate and evaluate the roles, responsibilities and the performances of administrators and teachers as well as students.

19. A long term and consistent program of federal support for historically black colleges should be developed and be implemented through each and every department and bureau of the federal government.

20. Black students and black institutions of higher education have been particularly damaged by the impact of federal cut backs and the depressed economy. The President should re-constitute the National Advisory Committee for black colleges and universities and blacks in higher education. The committee which was dissolved this year has a proud record of documenting the status of blacks and historically black institutions. Continued documentation and oversight at the federal level continues to be needed. 

21. Congress should give its approval to a major new investment in math and science education in order to respond to the needs of a high technology society. Such legislation should take into account the special needs of low-income and minority students. 

22. Congress should give its approval to a bill that would re-establish the Emergency School Act, which has long been a vital component of this nation's desegregation efforts. When the program was block granted in 1981, funding levels were seriously reduced, and the federal preclearance procedures which assured effective targeting were eliminated.

23. Legislation to grant tuition tax credits to parents who send their children to private schools should be opposed, regardless of anti-discrimination provisions, because they (tuition tax credits) will lead to further abandonment and underfinancing of the public schools. 


24. There should be no effort on the part of the Administration to reduce Social Security benefits as a method of financing our Social Security System. Reduced payments will only cause more recipients to seek other forms of federally assisted programs that will impact the federal budget. 

25. Consideration should be giving to taxing half of the social security benefits of retired people whose incomes are above the median. The system should also be expanded by bringing in all workers including government employees and others currently excluded. 

26. The Administration should refrain from block-granting any additional programs in the social services areas until such time that all block grant programs have been thoroughly researched, studied and analyzed. 

27. Congress should at a minimum reinstate Medicaid benefits to those who have lost them because of termination from the AFDC program.

Continue on page 185