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in mass communications, the health professions, and policy-making.

The Mass Communications Center, enrolling students from all the Center colleges, affords high-level training in print journalism, radio and television production and film making.

The Health Professions Program, including long-established pre-medical and pre-dental curricula, also comprises preparation for advanced training in pharmacy, medical technology, clinical dietetics, medical illustration, medical records administration and physical therapy.

Clark's Southern Center for Studies in Public Policy strengthens social science teaching throughout the Atlanta University Center, and affords students valuable experience through participation in research studies for areas such as transportation, health, and school desegregation. The Center also provides technical assistance to newly-elected public officials and sponsors a wide variety of internships. 

In each of the more traditional disciplines, there is at least one sequence of career-oriented training. With an openness to change, Clark upholds its commitment to an ever-stronger liberal arts education that is directly applicable to the manpower needs of the nation.

Interdenominational Theological Center

Located on a 10-acre site, adjacent to Atlanta University, the Interdenominational Theological Center was one of the first institutions of its kind, bringing together the students, faculties, and assets of four independent seminaries, representing as many denominations, into a cooperative, ecumenical, professional, graduate school of religious studies. Accredited by the American Association of Theological Schools, I.T.C., since its creation in 1958, has served as the model of a new and challenging approach to theological education. I.T.C. presently represents the cooperative efforts of seven denominations, from five historic Protestant traditions. Through its single faculty, Protestant traditions ranging from Pentecostal to Anglican are part of the I.T.C. constituency.

The focus of the Interdenominational Theological Order is to meet the need within the black communities for constructive leaders who possess both devotion and training. Fortunately, the most powerful influence in black community life continues to be the Christian Church. The Church has been and remains the main source of spiritual strength and of stability and purpose in life.

The I.T.C. is dedicated to preparing men and women to be proficient in communicating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all sorts and conditions of mankind. The relevance of preaching is is found not only in the art of presentation from the pulpit, but in the scholarly and thorough preparation of material. Preaching skills must be taught in tandem with skills in counseling, institutional administration, youth work, community organization, religious writing and the use of mass communication. These are the tools which I.T.C. seeks to give its students who come from 75 colleges and universities in the United States and many foreign countries. One third of all the seminary-trained black candidates who enter the professional ministry each year are graduates of the I.T.C.

[[caption]] Miss Virginia Coles of Lynchburg, Virginia, Being Officially Crowned "Miss Clark." [[/caption]]