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Since we last met, five names have dominated the news that interested the American people. They were of political importance and since this is a year in which the American people will vote for a person to lead the nation from the Oval office, you might want to know just a little more about them.

First there is Ronald Reagan, a former hollywood actor adept at all the tricks of that profession which portrayed charm and charisms and staging to win him the office and now seeks re-election.

Then there is Edward I. Koch, Mayor of New York who also thinks of himself as Mayor of Tel Aviv and in this role has polarized all the people in this city.

Then there is Reverend Jesse Jackson, the Civil Rights activist who decided to enter the race for the Oval office, siply saying "Our time has come."

Then there was former Congressman Harold Washington, who had to fight his own democratic machine to win the primary, then do it again to win the general election for Mayor of the City of Chicago, against tremendous odds.

Then there was Wilson "Mr. Clean" Goode, the City Administrator of Philadelphia who ran a spotless campaign against a former racist to win the first spot in the City of Philadelphia.

And lastly there was Melvin King, a State Legislator in Massachusetts who ran, too, a difficult campaign, skirting all the traps set for lone of our persuasion who seeks to enter the main stream. Mr. King did well until the white folks in South Boston and the rest of the City decided that the time was not ripe for a Black to lead the citizens of Boston.

And now lets tell it like it is.

Ronald Reagan, the sitting President used all the histronics of hollywood to stage the setting for his State of the Union Message. The president never won an Oscar in hollywood for picture making but he one one acting out his part when he made his State of the Union speech which was rhetorically perfect but which bore no semblance to answering the burning questions on the minds of the American people. The President, to date, had lost six of his original cabinet members and the day before this speech lost his Attorney General who did his bidding fighting affirmative action, Civil rights, human rights, medical rights, abortion, religion, prayer for children in the schools, aid to dependent children, aid to dependent mothers, aid for women and minorities, aid for housing which the poor needs and unemployment.

But the president promised a home in the skies, via a step

Continued on page 22