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No. 19 of a series created by noted black artists especially for the brewers of Budweiser.

Great Kings of Africa
Featuring- Great African Queens

Makeda-"The Queen of Sheba" (960 B.C.)

The identity of the Queen of Sheba has long been an issue of debate. However, there are several indications that she was indeed the Ethiopian queen, Makeda.

According to Ethiopian folklore, the Merchant Prince Jarmin returned from trading in Israel with glowing reports of the wisdom of the great King Solomon. Makeda was so fascinated with the tales of the Judan monarch, she assembled an extravagant caravan ladened with a cargo of lavish gifts. An abundance of gold and spices made Ethiopia a vibrant trade center. With gifts such as these, Makeda set out on a sojourn to pay homage to Solomon. 

Upon meeting, the king and queen were equally intrigued with one another. She admired his great knowledge; he her grace and intelligence. Fondness grew into love and their union produced Menelek I, from whom history's longest line of royalty descends.

Returning to Ethiopia, Makeda spread the Judist philosophy she learned from Solomon. Her influence transcends centuries as this Judeo-Christian tradition remains imbedded in modern Ethiopian culture and society.

Thus is the legend of Makeda, the Biblical figure recognized as the Queen of Sheba. 

Budweiser salutes Black History Month

For a complete set of 20 reprints at $11.00 or an update set (No. 17-20) at $6.00 send your name, address and a check payable to Anheuser, Inc. Dept. GK, St. Louis, MO. 63118. Offer expires December 31, 1985. Void where prohibited.

Copyright 1985, Anheuser-Busch, Inc. * St. Louis