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[[image - Congressman Adam Clayton Powell and President Lyndon B. Johnson]]
Harlem Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, who was first elected to the 79th Congress in 1944, has been chairman of the powerful Education and Labor Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives for the last five years. In that time he has successfully guided to passage 49 major laws, including legislation providing for: increase in the minimum wage; the War on Poverty; aid to elementary and secondary education; barring of discrimination in salaries for women performing the same work as men; Manpower Development and Training Act; anti-juvenile delinquency; vocational rehabilitation; library services; a school lunch program.

Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963-69
Eighty-eighth Congress, 1963-64
College and Vocational Education Aid ■ Twenty-fourth Amendment, eliminating poll tax ■ Tax cut and reform ■ Civil Rights Act ■ Mass Transportation Act ■ Omnibus Poverty Program Act, establishing Office of Economic Opportunity, Job Corps, VISTA, public assistance ■ Wilderness system ■ Conservation fund ■ Omnibus Housing Act ■ Educational aid to impacted areas ■ Food stamp plan ■

Eighty-ninth Congress, 1965-66
Appalachia Regional Development Act ■ Elementary and Secondary Education Acts ■ Twenty-fifth Amendment on presidential succession and disability ■ Older Americans Act ■ Law Enforcement Assistance Act ■ Drug controls ■ Medicare ■ Voting Rights Act ■ Mental Health Research Facilities Act ■ Highway beauty ■ Clean air ■ Omnibus Housing Act ■ Creation of Department of Housing and Urban Development ■ Arts and humanities assistance ■ Water pollution control ■ Community health service ■ Creation of Department of Transportation ■ Truth in packaging ■ Teacher corps ■ Rent supplements ■ Model cities ■ Cold War GI Bill ■ Bail reform ■ Highway Safety Act ■ Urban Mass Transit Act ■ Mine Safety Act ■ Minimum wage increase ■ Parcel post reform ■ Freedom of Information Act ■

[[caption]] THE JOHNSON CABINET, 1967: from left around table: Dean Rusk, Secretary of State; Robert S. McNamara, Secretary of Defense; Lawrence F. O'Brien, Postmaster General; Orville L. Freeman, Secretary of Agriculture; W. Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Labor; Robert C. Weaver, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development; Alan S. Boyd, Secretary of Transportation; John W. Gardner, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare; Alexander B. Trowbridge, Secretary of Commerce; Stewart L. Udall, Secretary of Interior; Ramsey Clark, Attorney General; Henry H. Fowler, Secretary of Treasury; the President. [[/caption]]


Transcription Notes:
captions of images are from Left to Right, Top to Bottom under 89th congress is missing: Immigration Reform Act under