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from page 406

were the other Favorate spots.
From World War II to the 1960's, Washington began to change character from a structured class society dominated by Dr. Mordecai Johnson, president of Howard University; Dr. Montague Cobb; Dr. E. Franklin Frazier, Dean Kelly Miller The Todd Duncans and the "talented tenth" to a flexible middle class as aggressive new citizens began to challenge the black and white establishment of gentility, intellectual elite and domesticity. The movement toward change developed with the great legal minds of Judge William Hastie, Atty. Charles Houston and the Lawsons with later advocate George E.C. Hayes and young firebrand Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Mitchell from nearby Baltimore, Md. The late Atty. General Kennedy and Willium "Turh" Thompson were imported in the development.

It was the U.S. Supreme Court desegregation of 1954 which finaly sent the Jim Crow walls of aristocratic apartheid crumbling in the U.S. capital after dignified protest by such lady pioneers as Mary McLeod Bethune, Mary Church Terrell and finally, New York labor leader A. Phillip Randolph led demonstrations for civil rights and women's rights...Singer Marion Anderson also sparked the move toward "militant" protests and ultimate demonstrations (leading to sit-ins, pray-ins, preach-ins and jail-ins by activists of later generations) by her magnificent protest against the Daughter of the American Revolution in a concert on the Lincoln Memorial steps (after she was denied access to Constitution Hall where B.B. "The Blues" King and James "Godfather of Soul" Brown now perform regularly) Miss Anderson performed on the same Lincoln tribute site a generation before Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delared "Free at last, Free at last, Thank God Almighty, I'm Free At Last..."

She symbolized the earlier quiet dignity of Mrs. Bethune, brought to Washington as National Youth Administration by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to quell the high youth unemployment problems of 50 years ago and she become founder of the National Council of Negro Women and recent honoree of the U.S. Post Office Black Heritage Stamps in a ceremony on Constitution Avenue and at the NCNW historic mansion in the Capital. Ironically, it was the female Ms. Bethune who helped emphasize the need for Negro male political empowerment by her friendship with Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of the 1932-44 president whose black "kitchen cabinet" of race relation experts was broken up by Ms. Bethune demanding direct access to the White House for all Negroes, not just hand picked leaders by white special assistants to the President. 

Randolph emphasized the need for Fair Employment practices for races and sexes a generation ago by threatening a March on Washington for Jobs and Employment in 1943, 20 years before Doctor King and his supporters led another demonstration for the same goals and objectives outlined by the founder of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first all black labor union. Randolph's proposed march was called off when President Roosevelt issued the first FEPC executive order against government job bias. 

Then, President Harry S. Truman, the feisty senator from the "show me state" of Missouri succeeded FDR upon his sudden death before World War II ended, and Truman helped create a new climate for peace and racial change by issuing another executive order to end all segregation in the armed services abroad and at home. Neither executive order ended all bias in the government or armed services in Washington and the nation... It was during this period that Attorney, now Judge Harry McAlpin became the first accredited black correspondent at the White House; Alice Dunnigan became the first black woman White House correspondent and the late Louis Lautier later became the first black correspondent assigned to the press galleries in Congress where he helped all Capitol Hill reporters because of his ability at speed shorthand.

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, who succeeded Truman as President, contributed to changing Washington and the Capital of the "Free World" by taking credit for school desegregation after he appointed Supreme court Justice earl Warren who was considered responsible for the 

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