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[[3 images - largest at top captioned]] No. 21 of a series created by noted black artists especially for the brewers of Budweiser.

Great Kings of Africa 
Great African Queens

Queen Amina of Zaria

The elder daughter of Bakwa Jurunku, who founded the Zazzau Kingdom in 1636, Queen Amina came to power between 1588 and 1589 A.D. Unlike her younger sister, Zariya (from whom the city of Zaria derives its name), Amina is generally remembered for her fierce military exploits.

Many wars she fought, and all she won. And through her conquests, she expanded the area under her reign southward to the great River Niger-including Idah and Nupeland-and up the Kano on the north.

A brilliant military strategist, Amina erected great walled camps during her various campaigns, and is generally credited with the building of the famous Zaria wall. She is today remembered-by some fondly, by others less so-as "Amina, Yar Bakwa ta san rana",meaning "Amine, daughter of Nikatau, a woman as capable as a man."

Budweiser salutes Black History Month

For a complete set of 22 reprints at $11.00 or an update set (No. 19-22) at $6.00 send your name, address and a check payable to Anheuser-Busch, Inc. Dept. GK, St. Louis, MO 63118. Offer expires December 31, 1986. Void where prohibited.

Budweiser ® King of Beers ® Anheuser-Busch, Inc. · St. Louis

Transcription Notes:
Alt code for reserved mark: ALT 0174 Alt code for center bullet: ALT 0183