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Chairman, President and CEO of Ryder System, Inc., M. Anthony Burns (second from right) at the initial planning meeting for the Jackie Robinson Foundation Dinner.  Mr. Burns, the dinner chairman, is pictured with Ron Dunbar (r.) executive vice president of Human Resources and Administration, Rachel Robinson, charperson [[chairperson]] of the Jackie Robinson Foundation and Lorraine Charney, vice president of corporate programs for Ryder.

Mr. Burns and Mrs. Robinson are shown talking with the Rev, Jesse L.Jackson at the Jackie Robinson Foundation Dinner.

President of Circulation Experti, Ltd., Warren G. Jackson, is a public relations consultant to Ryder System, Inc.

Mr. Burns (c.) with Mayor Tom Bradley of Los Angeles, CA (r.) winner of the Jackie Robinson Robie Award for Humanitarianism, along with Howard Cosell, commentator and author.