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Office Sub Com F Bureau
Sub Dist of Meridian Miss
Mer- Miss- Nov 22"/65

Lieut. E. Bamburger
A. A. A. Gen'l F. B.
Jackson Mississippi

Sir I have the honor to submit the following Report of this Bureau for the Sub District of Meridian Mississippi for the 3rd week of Nov 1865

[[underlined]] Rations [[/underlined]]

Numbers of rations issued in this Sub-District (except at the post of Macon Miss) during the week to include from the 15th to 21st day of November 1865.

To Destitute Freedmen in Camp
(36) [[underlined]] Thirty-Six [[/underlined]]
To Destitute White citizens
(90) [[underlined]] Ninety [[/underlined]]

Transportation has been recommended for two Freedmen.

Transcription Notes:
("Bamburger" a misspelling of "Bamberger")