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the Majistrates are not as firm with that class of individuals who do injustice to Freedmen as circumstances demand. Tis true we have many exceptions. Those located in Meridian do their whole duty faithfully and willingly.

Freedmen have more confidence now than some time since in civil Officers. But the "Freedmen Agents"  have their entire confidence. The school at Lauderdale and those here are in good condition. The Teachers are diligent and Labor day and night with their pupils. The schools at this Post were interfered with considerable by the movement of Gov Buildings.

The visit and speeches made by Col Hood Rev Douglas and others have had a beneficial effect. All remains quiet, no indications for an insurrection.

I remain very respectfully
Your Obe't Serv't
[[signature]] Ed L Buchwalter [[/signature]]
Capt and Sub Com F B 

Transcription Notes:
signs his own name "Buchwalter" with an "h"