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but when investigation is made, it generally appears that they have done badly have made poor crops, and the planter is not able to pay high wages. Many others who left at different periods of the year now return to receive pay for time they worked on the old plantation

So many of them have reported that I find that I can do nothing with them, and think they should have been settled, and probably were, when they left the plantation.

Quite a number of complaints have been made against parties calling themselves [[underlined]] Militia [[/underlined]] As an instance of these complaints I give names and dates as far as possible in the following, viz:

On or about the 21st day of Dec./65 Capt. Hart Fulgrain with about fourteen Militia of this County searched the plantation of Geo. Hairston about 15 miles from this place, and near Crawfordsville, for all [[areas?]] of Freedmen. On this plantation they [[strikethrough]] they [[/strikethrough]] entered the house of John Morton by forcibly opening the door, the owner being about, and after tearing bedding, and scattering furniture around, they broke apart a chest,  which was locked, and robbed him of all