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try to harmonize the animosity existing between them and their late masters  On the other hand I tell the Employers that they must not expect to much from them ([[underlined]] the negros [[/underlined]]) at this early a date but that they should in a christian manner look over the shortcomings of the Freedmen and to try and elevate them and instruct them if they wish to command their labor  I try to impress this one important subject upon their minds and I find that the result of this "Modus" Ap^[[p]]arandi" is having a good effect and I hope ere long to report to you that work here is moving [[strikethrough]] more [[/strikethrough]] harmoniously throughout the County. Lieut St Clair is visiting the plantations in diferent parts of the County and giveing instructions to both Planters and Laborers which is haveing a decidedly good effect  In several instances I have fined Employers for inhumane treatment but in such cases I investigate the complaint made thoroughly and give them to understand that such conduct as beating and whiping must not be resorted to and will not be tolerated by the Freedmens Bureau  In all cases where

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it is clearly proven to my satisfaction that Freedmen have been threatened with guns pistols or other deadly weapons by their employers I order the arms to be turned over to me — I fined one Robert Doyl the sum of ($40.00) forty dollars for brutal and inhumane treatment of two children and two women and without any cause whatever for such conduct he Doyl pretended to read a paper [[strikethrough]] from me [[/strikethrough]] to them from me ordering him to do this and made for his defense that he was drunk and only wanted to scare them. 

The Freedmens School is progressing well and undisturbed  many of the citizens here are sending the children to shool that have remained with them and through the country many of the planters have purchased primers and spelling-books for the children under their control and I am urging this upon all of them  some are doing it while others are not

I need for this cost a small amount of medical supplies and Doctor Cage of this city will give his services [[strikethrough]] gratuitously [[/strikethrough]] gratis 

I am Very Respectfully Your Obdt Servt
[[signature]] John W Critchfield [[/signature]] 1st Lieut Sub Com Freedmen 

Transcription Notes:
Just transcribe as written. Place explanations concerning misspelled words in this box, if needed. modus operandi: a particular way or method of doing something, especially one that is characteristic or well-established.