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to the Matter and they offer as an excuse that it cannot be had (ie meat)

On many of the plantations the Planters inform me that their Servants are doing about as well as they ever have

Others bring up long and dole ful accounts of their indolence

I am fully convinced that by some means a home farm should be procured  There are no Abandoned lands in this County, and I cannot here of any in the adjoining Counties.

Would it not be good policy to rent a farm of four or five hundred acres

These old heartless Planters are going to take pleasure in throwing onto our hand a great No. of Dependants about the first of January

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I have done my utmost to prevent the freedmen from Congregatin in large numbers in Town - have forcibly sent [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] them away to find homes in the Country

I think there are fewer Negroes in this place, than any town of its size in the State

Have issued no rations this month, and this will account for my not returning blank sent me for that purpose

Have a plan on foot for procuring winter wood for the indigent of the City  Negroes reported for insubordination or indolence, set them to chopping = What kind of punishment do you suggest for such persons=

As regards the Abuse of Freedmen but very few Complaints of late came to this Office = The Chivalry are begining to find it isnt profiable

Very Respectfully
Your Obt Servt
[[signature]] W P Coffin [[/signature]] Sub Com Free