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[stamp mark]NARA 296[/stamp mark]

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are about 175 colored Children here that should attend School. A very good room can be had for the expense of windows and doors. Col. Donelson and Chaplain Smith visited this place last week. The Chaplain delivered an address to a large assemblage of Freedmen and citizens on the subject of Free Labor which gave great satisfaction and will be productive of much good. By the advice of Chaplain Smith the Freedmen are trying to raise funds for the Support of a School. Several hundred dollars have been subscribed. I have taken possession of Some abandoned houses and some belonging to "Excepted classes". The abandoned houses are all very much out of repair almost entirely without doors or windows. Owing to the County Records being destroyed the ownership of property is hard to learn. I have registered 

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thirty six contracts five of which for different reasons I have not collected pay for as yet. The number of hands employed 295 of dependents 392. The receipts of the Office since opened has been 
For contracts. Thirty one (31) dollars
For fines Four (4) dollars
For Marriage Cert. Fifty cents
The expenditures as follows
Aug 10th Two chairs for Office  $2.00
" [ditto for Aug] 10th  Drayage for desk & chairs $0.25
" [ditto for Aug] 10th  For cleaning Office  $0.50
" [ditto for Aug] 15th  3 1/2 lbs. Candles for Office  $1.40
" [ditto for Aug] 20th  For Stationery  $3.75
leaving a ballance on hand of twenty seven (27) dollars and sixty (60) cents, which I enclose to you. I have but one clerk, (a detailed man). There is no Garrison here at all. There should be three men and a Corp. to send into the country to make arrests and enforce the orders of the Bureau. No other Garrison will