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Saturday, Jan. 26, 1918

[[left margin]]Pass thru Princeton while dressing-Breakfast N. York.[[/left margin]]

Arrived in New York this morning. Train moved us right out to Concentration Camp on L.I. As with dismay we take in surroundings we almost long for Texas

Move to barracks 13. Transfer to 20. Squadron quarantined for 7 days because of case of scarlet fever. Great joy in squadron. Officers made if possibly more happy by the information that there is no water running in toilet.



Sunday, Jan 27, 1918      

The squadron sits arround folornly.  Lt. Pierce and Lt. Pruden cuss because they cannot get to town and because they can't telephone to family & parteners. The rest are glum.

Moy and I crash thru a field and manage to find our way to Hempstead get lost on the way back.  Moy naievely asks a solder "Where is camp".  Plough thru snow up to our knees.  "Exercising" gets to be a common sport. for quarantined officers.