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Monday, March 11, 1918

9.30 Rucker and I drilled the squadron. Marching discipline very poor--Need a lot of drill. I balled up the drill about 4 times to-morrow morning we leave for Romsey a small town not far hence.

Woodley Rest Camp. Romsey


Tuesday, March 12, 1918

Breakfasted at 7.30  Troops are all ready for March. March down to Winchester. There Major Hartney gives several of us permission to ride to Romsey.
Hoover, Ingersoll, Clapp, Huston et mihi go to garage and negotiate a car to leave at one. Visit Crypt of Cathedral before leaving. Get a cup of Bovril.

Leave at 1 o'clock sitting in front seat with the "nervy little driver" on the job. Pass troops a little over half way there. Arrive at camp and find everything in poor shape.

Major Hartney comes in in advance of the men and confers with Major Rice.

Bugs [[strikethrough]] Kennedy [[/strikethrough]] Martin and I bugger to Romsey and take in the Abby. Great old place--dates to 907. Was a nunnery- Get back to late for Mess. Sleep on hay