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76 Romsey Southampton H.M.S. Viper

Sunday, March 17, 1918

With song and laughter we march down to Romsey station and embark for Southampton We get to S. in the Afternoon. Take streetcar-ride and bugger around the town Get my money changed to many million francs. Go to Southwestern Hotel with Schmitt and take dinner there.

We go on the Viper and as soon as the train from London 7:30 arrive we pull out with a goo.d load of Naval and army flyers. The boys on the Archimedes left at 5.30.

Wonderful night on Channel. Converse with a Scotch soldier returning to the trenches.

77 Le Havre

Monday, March 17, 1918

Wake in the morning in France  "Defence d'Achitter" [[d'Afficher]] on the walls and French women doing dockhand work going around in soft felt slippers. P.G. German prisoners were rather abundant. Went down to rest camp where we saw 4 French dirigible assend. Finally we go over to the other side of town to a British rest camp where we are assigned to quarters.

Immediately Freddie Moy and I bugger down town and get dinner in a French Hotel The proprietor tried to make us spend beaucoup francs on entrée & a
lobster but we refrain Poor Germer gets bit The rest of the Squadron comes in P.M.

Transcription Notes:
corrected the original transcription where readability impaired since line endings corresponded with the notebook's. Put in Miller's punctuation omitted by transcriber.