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Wednesday, May 22, 1918

Major Hartney, MacArthur, Schmitt, Grant MacArthur were going up after the lone Hun. - but he didn't turn up.  So several valiant U.S. pilots arose early for naught. That letter from Marj. Case has given me more pleasure than any letter I have received for many a day.

554 R.F.C. pilot and observers landed here after a bombing expedition, in their D.H.4 Rolls-Royce motor. I am re-writing my letter to Katy Greenslade. This evening in the Pistol Competion we beat 147th Aero 799-565 Hill 130/150 possible Maj Hartney 118, McElvain 117, O'Neil 114, Jones 102 Grant 100 Miller 98 Hunt 91. No Hun raid or rumor of one to-day.


Thursday, May 23, 1918

Up 5 A.M. Squadron Officer-of-the-day today.  Lovely morning. Men fell in for Reveille at 5.45. I inspected Mess. Had some good biscuit.  Missed 715 Work parade. At 10 A.M. walked around the Mens barracks & latrines with Sergt M  Kitchen needed sanitary care. 

I put in [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] requisition for Mess tables for Men's Mess.

In P.M. the men were all put at cleaning their barracks and sunning their bedding.

Managed to spend a fairly busy day after all.  To-morrow Clapp is O.D. I was going down to Epiez to look for Slackers Rain cut me off.