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Wea. cloudy sleet  FEBRUARY 21       Ther. 32
I worked eight hours from 8 to 4:30. After supper I cleaned the windows in the car and give it a cleaning in general. About 8:45 I picked Jake up and went to the Burg. Helen Beth was ready when we got there, and did she ever look beautiful. We went up to Edie Sniders and waited for Ed. In the meantime, I picked Pattie up. We then came up to our house where
we met Sis, Bob, Jonney, and Betty. We arrived at the dance about 10:45. Al Rockwell's
orchestra played, and he is very good. I had a great time with Pat. I danced with everybody but Betty.
I am very sorry this had to happen. I took Pat and Edie and Ed home and then I took H.B. to the Burg. I went out to the plant to see if Daddy could "bum" a ride home, and he did with Joe Fritz.