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Wea. Snow 2"  MARCH 9  Ther. 32

I got up at 745 and went to 800 mass and received communion. It snowed about 5" in the last 24 hours. After Dinner Davey and I took Mother and Daddy out to Fridle's[[?]] and then we went for a ride over to the Burg. We did not see anyone of any interest so we came back to [[strikethrough]] home [[/strikethrough]] St. M. about 330 and picked our parents up and came home. After supper I went to the show, "Virginia" a very good picture but a bit raw in spots. Jake and Ed accompanied me. We had something to eat at Bnd's[?] and then came home. I tried to finish Mortensen, but failed because of sleepiness. Went to bed about 1245.