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Wea. Rain & Snow    MARCH 16    Ther. 32

I went to 9:30 Mass. After dinner I took some pictures and negs down to Mrs. Leary at Emporium. When I came home I took Sis over to the Burg to Betty Bliski, who is sick in bed. While Sis was visiting Bettey I went up to Kanski's. Joan and a friend of hers were the only ones there. I talked with them about an hour. Sis disided [sic] to stay at Betty's for supper so I came home alone. After dinner Doney, Jake, Ed, and myself went to the show "Buck Privates," a very silly picture. We had a light lunch at Joe's, where we met some fellows from the Burg. We then went up to the K. of C. for awhile. I retired about 12:30. It was snowing and blowing very hard when I came home.