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Wea. Clear August 3 Ther. 90

I got up at 6:00 and went to 7:00AM Mass. Gus picked me up at Church and after getting my camera equipment we went out to Dressers. We spent the day at Green Lake watching the motor boat races. It was great fun. When we got back we picked up Louis Hatch and then had a chicken supper at Dressers. After supper Walley + Louis plaid [[played]] the Violin. Later everybody but Mary Lunt, Bud, Louis and I went roller skating at Bucksfort. After everyone left we started to dance. I had to pull Louis around but she really got on to my dancing as time went on. Boy! Was it hot, so we decided to go swimming in Long Pond. Louis is really built and very brilliant. We had a great time swimming and later riding back on the running board. We danced until one and then Bud brought us home. I walked up to the door with Louis. We said good-by and goodnight. I hope I can see her again sometime. Bed 2:00AM